So many times we think by asking for help we are admitting defeat. I don't know who came up with that but every Super Hero I know has a sidekick. Batman had Robin, The Hulk had Rick Jones, Green Lantern had Doiby Dickles and Wonder Woman had Wonder Girl. So if a fictional character with superhuman powers can share the spotlight why can't we?
"Coming together is a BEGINNING, Keeping together is PROGRESS and working together is SUCCESS!" - Henry Ford
Today, remember that your students are always watching. They pick up on everything you lay down. When you show defeat, they give up. When you show perseverance, they trudge through the problem never looking back, only forward to the success that you help them achieve.
"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; TOGETHER we can do great things." - Mother Theresa
What great things will you do with your network to better the education for OUR students?
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